Celebrating Person-Centred Care 2024: A Message to Our Wonderful Staff

In our ongoing commitment to foster a culture of recognition and appreciation, we’re happy to announce the initiation of the 2024 Person-Centred Care Awards. This initiative is designed to spotlight and recognise our staff members’ dedication and exceptional work, who are at the heart of providing compassionate and individualised care to our residents and service users.

A nomination box will be present during our staff meetings, inviting each team member to nominate a colleague they believe embodies the principles of person-centred care. This is your opportunity to shine a light on a colleague’s hard work and dedication.

We ask that you accompany your nomination with a few sentences explaining why this person deserves recognition. This could be an account of their compassion, innovative approach to care, or unwavering support of residents, service users and colleagues.

After all meetings have concluded, we’ll tally the votes. The staff member who receives the most nominations will receive a special gift and a certificate in the first phase of the 2024 awards, marking their outstanding contribution to person-centred care.

The Person-Centred Care Awards are more than just a gift; they reflect our collective values and commitment to recognising our staff’s incredible work. By nominating a colleague, you acknowledge their excellence and help us to foster a culture of appreciation and mutual respect.

We encourage everyone to participate enthusiastically in this process. It’s a wonderful way to celebrate the hard work, dedication, and compassionate care that define our team. 

Stay tuned for updates and the stories of our nominees and winners, which we’ll share in our upcoming blogs, our website, and social media. Let’s make the 2024 Person-Centred Care Awards memorable and inspiring for everyone involved.

Staff Spotlight – Nicky King

We thought getting to know our staff and their job roles would be a lovely idea. We have an incredibly professional and motivated team that inspires us daily. Next up in our ‘meet our staff’ series is Nicky King from Community Enablement Team and Enablement Care.

Nicky King. Registered Manager of Enablement Care and Community Enablement Team.

Q. What is your role with Community Enablement Team and Enablement Care?
Registered Manager of both Enablement Care and Community Enablement Team.

Q. How long have you been working in care, and how did you get into it?
I started working in care eight years ago. I spoke to a friend who had always worked in care, and she told me I would be great in a care role, so I plucked up the courage to change my career path. I have never looked back; it was the best decision ever!

Q. What does the future hold for you? Do you have an area of special interest?
The future is full of positives and much more hard work and studying.

Q. What is your favourite part of your job?
Interacting with the service users and knowing that you have made a difference in their lives somehow or in some way. Working alongside staff and helping and guiding where I can.

Q. What’s the worst part of your job?
That is a difficult one; I would only say that sometimes the hours can be very long, but sometimes it is needed to ensure everyone is happy.

Q. Do you have a funny story to tell?
Most recently, I was talking to a resident; she asked where I was going – I told her I was going out to work in the community, to which she replied, “You’re like dog s**t you get everywhere.” That really made me laugh!

Q. What’s your superpower? I’m pretty sure all carers have one.
I think I am a bubbly person, and I always try to get people to sing and dance with me, no matter where we are, and they do so. I think my superpower name should be Dancing Queen.

This is a picture of me in Mexico, where I achieved my lifelong dream of swimming with dolphins; it was the most beautiful experience ever!

Q. What do you think is unique about Community Enablement Team?
It allows our service users to live their best lives, enjoying time doing what makes them happy. Whether that is maintaining their bills and household chores or going to the seaside, disco or archery, there is nothing our team will not be happy to support with.

Alpaca walking with a service user.

Q. What advice would you give anyone just beginning their caring career?
Take each day as it comes; no two days are the same. That is the best part of the role.
It’s okay to feel overwhelmed. Being a carer means that no working day will be the same.
You need to take care of yourself; remember to be patient; everyone is an individual.
Don’t forget to enjoy yourself; this passes on to the service user.
Feel free to ask questions and learn from your mistakes.
Build a relationship! That is the most important aspect of care.

Q. What do you think of the training facilities at CET?
We have exceptional in-house training and have recently moved onto an e-learning programme, allowing everyone to learn as many new parts of care as possible.

Q. What would you be doing if you weren’t working in care?
I would probably still be working in the accounts department of the family business that my husband has built up.

Q. What’s your favourite activity outside of work?
I am a massive Liverpool FC fan, travelling all of England and  Europe to watch them. When I am not at work, I ensure I get to as many matches as possible!

I was in Paris for the European Cup Final and got a picture with the great Dirk Kuyt!!

Enablement Care Sutton In Ashfield Bed Vacancies

Our small and friendly home ‘Enablement Care’ in Sutton in Ashfield currently has vacancies for those looking for residential care. It is not often that our home has rooms available so please get in touch asap if you would like to know more or would perhaps like to have a look around to meet our staff and get a feel for our home.

Things people say about us…

“We enjoyed our visit to see my nan, they were very welcoming, checked who we were, and checked our LFTs and temperature. We wore our masks and enjoyed our visit. It was clear my nan was well cared for, she was smart, clean, cheerful, and warm.”

“On visiting the care home I found a warm welcome from members of the staff. The home was clean and well organised. A room was set aside for our visit so that we could have a one-to-one chat. This is useful as it gave us a quiet space with my mum. We were able to stay as long as we wanted and we did not in any way feel in the way. The staff do an amazing job and look after their every need. A big thank you to everyone for looking after my mum and keeping her safe.”

“My Mum has been treated with warmth and care since the day she arrived. She is 91 years old and has difficulties with social anxiety that make her loathe to spend time away from her room. The staff always make time to be reassuring towards her, encouraging her to leave her room for meals and for short periods of time and they support her in feeling confident to do so. They are always welcoming when I visit and they are caring. I know I can ring and speak to the manager at any time and ideas to address any concerns that I have will be suggested and implemented. Mum can be resistant to accepting help and wants to be as independent as she can be with regard to personal care, this is respected but staff are always on hand to check that she has managed to dress or undress correctly and to remind her about everyday things such as teeth brushing and washing. Mum always looks clean and well cared for when I visit, a hairdresser, chiropodist, and aromatherapist visits regularly and the food is excellent.”

For more information please give us a call on 01623 397750
or email info@challengect.co.uk.

Tasty Easter Treats

One of our service users has been keeping herself busy in lockdown this week, by making the most amazing Easter egg cheesecakes! Don’t they look delicious!! Well done!

Adding the biscuit base inside Easter egg halves